What to Do When You Are Sexually Frustrated?
So, you are married happily? Are you satisfied sexually with your better half or just frustrated? Everybody loves sex and love to indulge in this pleasure-seeking act frequently. But, if you are sexually frustrated, then read on to explore the reasons behind it and the ways to deal with these frustration levels.
Some of the Probable Reasons:
- You have a high sexual drive.
- Your partner is either expecting or disinclined towards sex.
- You are not comfortable with the sexual positions of your partners’ choice.
- You are away from your sex partner.
- You have a hectic schedule or demanding children.
- You are unable to reach the orgasms and cannot seek pleasure in the act.
What Are the Right Solutions?
Take Out Time For Each Other:
This is very important. Go for a leave; hire a babysitter who can look after your kids. Going for a holiday trip together without your kids is a great idea. Loiter around the beaches, go for a candle-night dinner and rekindle the fire of romance. Believe me…. you would have a great time in bed when you are emotionally involved with your partner.
Try to Satisfy Your Partner First:
Take care of your partner’s sexual desires first, your partner will reciprocate. There may be a few things which he/she does not like. Try not to get involved in those things. Make sex a mutually enjoyable activity. If you force your partner to do certain things which he/she abhors then you should be prepared to get frustrated.
Create a Romantic Ambience:
This is very helpful indeed. Create an ambience of love and romance. Scented candles, putting on the fragrance of your partner’s choice and just stroll around the beach will bring you nearer to each other and you would be able to enjoy the intimacy better.
Move Out of the Everyday Tussles:
A couple fighting over petty issues is quite normal. But, you should better not keep this in your heart and mind. Try to forget these issues as they hamper the proximity of your partner with you. Apart from that, indulge in the process of love-making daily if you want to make it more enjoyable, long-lasting and pleasure giving.
In Short: Always remember that there is no magic wand that can make sex more enjoyable for you. But, if you work towards improving your sex life, you will have a better life with your spouse.