Overlooking The Problem of Thyroid Can Cost You Dear!
Females are 4 times more susceptible to the problem of thyroid than males. This problem should not be overlooked and treated on time. Thyroid is a small gland that controls our body metabolism, which means whatever we eat gets converted into energy with the help of this gland. That apart, it also affects heart, muscles, bones and controls the blood cholesterol.
When your thyroid gland does not function properly then you tend to suffer with innumerable problems and the most prominent among them is an abrupt increase in weight. Besides this, you may also face problems like constipation, swelling in face and body parts, loss of hair, irregular menstrual cycles and much more. Let us have a quick look at some the reasons and the cures.
Why Do You Suffer?
- Tension is the main cause of thyroid. When you are tense, your thyroid gland is affected directly which in turn affects the hormone secreted by it.
- Sometimes, thyroid is affected by the adverse reaction of medicines.
- Lack of iodine in the diet or excessive use of salt give rise to the problem of the thyroid.
- If any of your family members suffers from this problem then you are more vulnerable.
- Graves’ disease affects the thyroid. In this disease, there is an excessive secretion of thyroid hormone from the gland. Women in the age group of 20-40 years are most commonly affected by this disease.
How to Prevent it?
- Incorporate more iodine in your diet. Food stuffs like eggs, fishes, milk and mushrooms are rich in vitamin D and they should be the part of your daily diet.
- Selenium is one of the most essential micronutrient that should be the part of your daily diet. It not only helps the thyroid to function properly, but also increases the immunity levels of your body. To obtain selenium you should eat almonds and groundnuts.
- Exercise helps in curing both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid. Therefore daily workouts are essential.
A Word of Caution:
There are many people who believe that problem of the thyroid is related to obesity only. But thyroid can be the major cause of your inability to conceive. So, be careful and get your thyroid checked from time to time. Incorporate more of iodine and selenium in your diet and live a physically active life to keep the disease at bay.