What Damages Your Hair? What Is The Right Solution?
Environmental pollution and exposure to the sun cause undue damage to your hair. If you are negligent towards their proper upkeep, they will start turning dry and coarse. Do not let the environment strip the essential nutrients from your hair. A proper hair care helps you to get silky, healthy, long and beautiful hair. Coconut oil is the best oil for your hair. Let us see how:
How to Know That Your Hair Product is Damaging Your Hair?
Whatever haircare products you may be using: hair spray, conditioner, shampoo or gel, you can find out the amount of damage that they can do to your hair. Just look for these indicators:
- While having a shower, if you find the hair care product is hard to wash off or produce excessive lather then it is damaging to your hair.
- Apart from this, if you find your hair breaking while washing them, then it also indicates that the haircare product is not worth using.
- Check broken hair strands on your towel and comb, if they are breaking after washing then it is time for you to change your shampoo.
What to Do?
Stop using these hair care products and try the home remedies instead. Make a natural hair conditioner at home by taking gooseberry (amla) powder, egg white, a tablespoonful of honey and lemon juice. Mix them with heena and apply it a couple of hours before you wash your hair. Use only a mild herbal shampoo (that does not produce rich lather) to wash and cleanse your hair. Pat your hair dry with the help of towel gently. Do not use a comb or hair dryer on wet hair.
Coconut Oil: The Best Hair Solution:
Checks the growth of microbes on Hair-scalp
All across the world, coconut oil is being recognized as the best conditioner for hair as well as skin. It has been proved that this oil makes your hair strong and shiny. Coconut oil, in its purest form contains anti-microbial ingredients like Capric acid and lauric acid that checks the build up of microbes on your scalp which prevents hair loss.
Prevents Premature Hair Greying
Massaging this oil into your hair scalp helps in preventing melanin loss of your hair as the result of which, your hair does not loose their black color prematurely.
Moisturize Your Hair:
It has a high Vitamin E content and hence it is considered to be one of the best moisturizer that hydrates your hair and keep them healthy.
Use coconut oil to restore the vitality of your damaged hair.