How to Get Relived From Teeth Aching?
With the increasing cravings for chocolates, candies and cakes, teeth aching has become a common phenomena. For the help of terrified and clueless parents who spent sleepless nights when their kids complain about teeth ache at midnights, given here are certain tips on how to relieve tooth pain.
Reasons Behind Teeth Aching
There can be innumerable reasons for tooth ache. It could be due to inflammation of the gums, cracked teeth, abscess or sometimes the teeth filling get dislodged and results in pain. In a few cases, food particles get trapped between teeth and gums & begin to irritate. But, the foremost cause of a tooth ache is a cavity.
When Does it Start Paining?
If you have a cracked tooth, then you experience pain when you began to chew your food stuff because of the pressure put by the cracked tooth. If your child complains about acute pain and has developed sensitivity to very hot or cold food stuff, then it indicates that the tooth cavity has reached the nerve.
What To Do Before You Visit Periodontist?
Apparently, it is not feasible to take your child to the dentist when tooth begins to pain in the midnight. There are several natural home remedies which can be tried to soothe the pain at the hour of your need.
- Rinsing the mouth thoroughly with warm water helps as it loosens the particles that are caught between the teeth. Flossing after this procedure will be of additional help.
- Cloves are easily available in every household. Put some cloves on the aching point in your teeth as soon as it mixes with your salivlia, the soothing oils from it are released and give you respite from the pain in the matter of 30-40 minutes.
- Get hold of two awesome tooth pain relievers: Orajel and Anbesol. These two ointments are designed exclusively to soothe the acute pain and can be used under Save Our Soul conditions.
- If pain is due to swollen gums than swishing with warm salt water helps. If you do swishing for about thirty seconds you will get sure shot relief from pain.
- There are certain types of tooth aches which are relieved when ice pack is kept outside the cheek.
- Mix a clove of garlic with rock salt and keep it in the area where it pains the most. This will help in alleviating your pain in a short time-span.
- Red pepper is wonderful because it contains salicylates (similar to aspirin) which relieves you from pain.
- There are several other remedies which can prove to be helpful like (licorice root that checks the growth of plaque by eliminating bacteria), Vanilla extract has a calming effect and Tea tree oil is helpful in teeth aching caused due to gum or tooth infections.