Some Vital Health Facts That You Should Know
Protect Yourself from Extreme Heat Conditions to Save Your Fetus:
All the expecting mothers should know that extreme heat conditions result in pre-mature deliveries. Henceforth, for the well-being of their unborn babies they should shift to colder regions. Researches have proved that increase in temperature raise the risk of pre-mature births. If the temperature of the place you are living in rises constantly, you are at risk. Studies done by the researchers working at the University of Montreal, Canada have proved the fact.
Retinoic Acid Prevents Breast Cancer:
Retinoic acid is a metabolite of Vitamin A. Studies have shown that it helps in transforming the cancerous cells into healthy ones. This acid is found in green leafy vegetables and carrots. So, if breast cancer is at the initial stage, the consumption of more Vitamin A helps you to get rid of the disease.
Sound Sleep Slows Down the Process of Aging:
If you are on a look out for the ways to appear younger, you should know that sound sleep will be of great help to you. Sound sleep has a direct impact on your brain. Several researches have proved that a good and sound sleep is directly proportional to increase in your memory and enhance your decision making power. A recent research done by the American Academy of sleep and medicine have proved that a healthy and sound sleep of 8-10 hours slows down the process of aging.
Control Your Weight By Eating At Early hours:
You are sure to lose weight if you take your breakfast and dinner on time. If you are desperate enough to reduce weight and cannot indulge in much work outs, then switch to a healthy eating schedule. Take your breakfast at 7.30 am, lunch at 12:45 pm and dinner at 7 pm. Also, instead of taking 2-3 heavy meals, take 5-6 small meals all through the day. This will increase your metabolism and you tend to lose weight effectively.
Use Black Gram if You Have Dry Rough Hair:
Black gram is rich in protein. Studies have proved that black gram helps in preventing roughness and dryness of your hair. So, if you have rough and lifeless hair, mix black gram with a half spoonful of yogurt and apply this paste on your hair scalp. By doing so regularly, you will get silky, smooth and shiny hair.