Look How Your Skin Will Glow With Health
You need to work towards getting a seamless and glowing skin. Given here are certain tips using which you can get a glowing skin and a fair skin tone.
- Apply the mixture of raw tomato and yogurt if your skin has been damaged by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. This will cool your skin and it your natural skin texture will be restored.
- Mix a few drops of lemon juice in olive oil and massage your skin if it is sunburnt. This will prove to be very beneficial.
- Make the paste of almonds and whole milk cream in it and massage your exposed parts. This will keep your skin soft and supple in the summer season.
- Aloe-fire and watermelon retain the moisture of your skin. Use their juices to hydrate your skin if you have dry skin problems.
- Apply the paste of rosewater, lemon, cucumber and yogurt on your face. This will keep your skin fresh and glowing in the summer season.
For such useful health, fitness and beauty tips, visit our site www.saifitnesstips.com