Home Remedies to Remove Dark Spots on Your Face
Do the dark spots on your face annoy and you are looking for a remedy? Stop hiding your face as these dark spots can be cured naturally with the help of certain tips and tricks. But, do not expect these remedies to work overnight. You have to be persistent in your efforts to lighten your skin, obtain the desired results.
What Causes Dark Spots on Skin?
There can be diverse reasons behind the dark spots on your skin but the most common reason is the over exposure to sunlight. Sun enhances the production of melanin. There may be other reasons as well like age and exposure to pollution. Some people develop dark spots when they take iron in excessive amounts and when their diet lacks Vitamin A, B and E. At the time of menopause, some women develop dark spots due to hormonal imbalance.
- Pluck Aloe Vera from your backyard and squeeze it to obtain the pulp. Apply this pulp all over your face and rinse off when it dries. Aloe Vera is an excellent skin cleanser and if pollution is the cause of your dark spots you will be able to lessen the impurities accumulated on your face and get rid of dark spots.
- Olive oil also helps in lightening these dark spots. Massage your face with olive oil and leave overnight, you would be able to see the difference in a week or so.
- Onion and garlic juice have bleaching property so they can be applied to the dark spots for 15 minutes before you rinse your face.
- Juice of lemon and cucumber should be mixed with honey and applied on the dark spots. Apple cider vinegar can also be used in place of lemon juice.
A Word of Caution:
Prevention is better than cure, they say. So, do not let the dark spots appear due to over exposure to harmful UV rays. Always, wear sunscreen (SPF 15 at least) when you go out. It will prevent the dark spots from growing darker.