Five Super Foods That Boost Your Sexual Stamina
Want to last longer in bed? Want to seek more pleasure and enhance your sexual stamina? If you have tried all methods and exercises, but still not able to get the results, try these super foods that are sure to boost your sexual stamina and give you prolonged hours of gratification that you have always craved for.
- Celery: It is a great food for libido. Eat this wonderful green, leafy vegetable in the guise of salad to get benefited. Celery enhances your sexual vigor because it contains androsterone. This odor-free male hormone is a turn-on for ladies.
- Bananas: Boosting your sexual stamina is one of the multiple health benefits of bananas. The fruit contains bromelain and hence experts believe that it enhances a male’s libido. Moreover, it also contains Riboflavin along with other B vitamins and potassium and therefore it increases overall vigor and give you more strength to perform better.
- Raw Oysters: Raw oysters are your best friend if you are male looking for the ways to improve your sexual vigor. Oysters are good for your sexual health because they rich in zinc and boost up your testosterone as well as sperm count. Oysters contain dopamine, which is great for enhancing libido hormone: dopamine. Raw oysters are great to taste when taken with lettuce leaves.
- Chocolates: The sweet delight is the hot favorite of the ladies and great for sexual health. It contains theobromine, which is an alkaloid and stimulates your brain for the action. It is the reason why you have a warm and comfortable feeling after consuming them.
- Garlic: You will probably scratch your head in surprise as it leaves your awful odor in your mouth that turns your mate off but it does help you in the long run. It increases your libido and sexual power tremendously. Your libido will enhance greatly with this super food. This contains allicin, which enhances the flow of blood to the sexual organs and gives you stronger and prolonged erections.
Some more other foods which may helps you to increase your sexual stamina.
2)Chia seeds
8)Pumpkin seeds
9)Black chickpeas