Sagging Breasts: Causes And Remedies
Woes of the women with sagging breasts are predictable. Sagging breasts ruin their beauty and tear down their self confidence. Hats off! To the females who do not feel defeated and work towards the improvement. Yes! This common women issue can be resolved. Let us have a quick look at the reasons behind the sagging breasts and a possible breakthrough.
What Are Incurable Cases?
Sagging of breasts is a natural phenomenon and every woman at certain age has to face it. But, beauty conscious women take measures like breast augmentation, plastic surgery, herbs and exercises. However, there are certain cases, in which the issue cannot be rectified. Very small breasts, double A-cup, triple A-cup, the A-cup are some of the incurable cases.
Why Do Your Breast Sag?
The primary reasons behind sagging of your breasts are your growing age and gravity. According to the doctors, breasts are just lumps of ligaments, tissues and a few glands and they do not contain any muscles. As they do not contain any muscles they are likely to be affected by gravity. When they are pulled down steadily under the effect of gravity, they began to sag.
There are other natural factors which contribute to sagging.
Breast Feeding:
Milk glands of the lactating mother swells naturally and the skin around the breasts are likely to get stretched. When the breasts return to their normal size, that stretched skin does not recuperate neither do the ligaments that hold your breasts to the chest. Owing to this reason your breasts droop down prematurely.
Loss of Weight:
Incredible though it may sound, but it is true that it is one of the most common reasons of breast sagging. If any woman looses excessive weight in a short span then cleavage gets effected in the same way as in the case of lactation. If your breasts lose their volume to the skin around them tends to hang which results in sagging.
Inapt Support During Exercises:
As per a new research, if you do not get a proper support when you perform exercises then Cooper Ligaments of your breast are likely to get damaged. During stretching exercises, breasts are breasts move and can be damaged in lack of proper guidance.
What Are the Possible Solutions?
Many women go for cosmetic surgery and some are really desperate to get their whole breasts implanted. However, cosmetic surgery is expensive, not free from risks and do not give you the long lasting result. So, think twice before going under the knife.
There are some exercises that take only time and efforts, but you get benefitted for a long term.
Herbal Remedies:
There are a few herbs which are easily available in the form of spices in every household. Like: Fenugreek and cumin that should be given to lactating mother and the women undergoing weight loss training. The other effective herbs that can be consumed to cure sagging breasts are blessed thistle, dong quai and saw palmetto.