Natural Home Remedies For Minor Cuts And Burns
Minor cuts and burns are pretty common. What do you do if you, your child or any other family member has first degree burns? Burn from oven, cooking oil, candle, iron, etc. can prove to be painful and leave scars if not treated on time. Given here are the natural remedies which will prove to be extremely useful in case of minor burns. So, need not worry if you do not have the burn ointment available at the hour of your need.
Apply Cold Honey:
So, far you have explored the health and beauty benefits of honey, but you would be really surprised to know that honey (especially the cold one) is a powerful healer. Apply it over the affected area to get relieved from the pain.
Peeled Aloe-Vera Helps:
Pluck aloe-vera from your backyard and cut off a leaf. Peel its outer layer and then place the leaf on the burn. Do this at least twice or thrice a day, you will not only be relieved only but would not get any scar.
Rub An Ice Cube:
By rubbing an ice cube over the affected area will bring immediate relief from the burning sensation. If the ice cube is not available wash the area with cold water.
Tomato Pulp is Useful:
Applying pulp of tomato is useful. You can either use tomato pulp or cut an inch of papaya to place it over the affected area for some time. You will be relieved.
Apply Lavender Oil:
Consider applying lavender oil only if it is 100% pure and undiluted or else it would not work effectively.
Olive Oil + Soy Milk:
Prepare a mixture of olive oil and soy milk. 80% soy and 20% oil. Add some crushed ice to this blend and soak the affected area in this mixture. The area will be cooled sooner and healing will be faster.
Vitamin E Oil:
This is one of the most effective treatments. If you have Vitamin E capsules, take out the powder from them and apply it over the burnt area. It will speed up the healing process and reduce the chances of scar formation.
Important to Note:
These home remedies are good enough for the first degree burns only if you have second degree burns (which are although rare), you need to consult the doctor immediately.