7 Simple Tricks to Get Rid of Bad-Breath
If bad breath emanating from your mouth is a cause of low-self esteem then it is time for you to say goodbye to this health issue as there are some natural, effective remedies using which your mouth will smell fresh and you would gain your self-confidence back. It is time for you to switch over to the tips that work to give you sure-shot results and leave aside mints, mouthwashes, tongue-cleaners if you have already tried them but have not obtained the kind of results you wanted.
Home Remedies For Bad Breath:
- Replace your regular toothpaste with an herbal toothpaste containing neem extracts. The leaves of neem are very effective to keep your breath fresh for a long period.
- Pluck fresh leaves of neem and dissolve it in warm water. Wait for half an hour till the extract of the leaves come in the water. Use this as your mouthwash at least 4-5 times a day. This is natural and do not harm your teeth and gums and the best oral hygiene for curing bad breath.
- If you have already tried neem mouthwash you can try switching to other mouth washes. Boil the coriander leaves in water and then use the extracted liquid as a mouthwash. Alternately, you can also mix aloe-vera with cold-water,lemon juice and honey to make a great mouthwash (This mouthwash is also effective for chronic patients)
- Everybody thinks that peppermint is the only effective mouth freshener. Actually, it is not so. You can pluck a few leaves of fresh mint from your backyard and chew them to get fresh breath or you can also chew cloves or cardamom to get rid of bad breath.
- There are times when patients of tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. also complain of bad breath. These people should use edible camphor as it’s an amazing throat stimulant. It clears the clogged mucus giving you fresh mouth and throat.
- Rinse your mouth with a mixture of lemon juice and water. Your mouth will feel fresh for the day.
- Chew sesame seeds and have a glass of water to get rid of bad breath.